I made my husband and daughter a Valentine's basket for their goodies. It is a tradition that I give them each a little gift each day of the week leading to Valentine's Day. I love seeing how excited they get:)

Pearl posing in front of the Valentines quilt I made.

Pearl questioning the reasoning of me asking her to wait to eat her cookie:)

Pearl is posing nicely waiting for her Valentine's Day treat:)
Happy Valentines Day! Usually I have grand plans for everything I plan to do for a holiday. Then, life gets in the way. I finally did it. I made a Valentine's day quilt, banner, placemats, baskets, and dog collars. They were finished prior to the big day. I am so proud of myself. I love Valentine's Day. I am so grateful to have a wonderful husband, the love of my life, who has stuck by my side for over 20 years. I count my blessings for my kind and beautiful daughter who has made me laugh and made me proud and who even at sixteen, I still love to spend time with. I can't forget to mention my constant companions, my five dogs. I am so grateful that Pearl is in my life. I don't know who rescued who. Panda my other rescue dog and her are such good friends. Panda who does therapy work for people with dementia and who shows me such love and affection. Madison who learned dog agility with me and taught me so much along the way. I love her sense of humor. Last but, not least for Gibson and MoDean who teach me patience.
I hope you are spending Valentines Day with the ones that you love, whether they be furry, feathered, or human lol:) or all of the above.